Workplace Counselling
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Workplace Counselling

Online counseling sessions are available for individuals aged 18 and above.


How can we help Teachers on self-care and minimize stress impacts on students?


How can we help Trainers on self-care and minimize stress impacts on students?


How can we help Tutors on self-care and minimize stress impacts on students?


  • Prioritise self-care and well-beings
  • Strengthen relationships: effective communication
  • Guide on set boundaries, clear expectations, provide structures and routines
  • Understand child development to deal with challenging students
  • Develop coping skills
  • Relaxation techniques for self-regulation to prevent burnouts in classroom
  • Trauma healing and recovery for teacher’s trauma experiences
  • Develop educator self-care maintenance plan


  • Prioritise self-care and well-beings
  • Strengthen relationships: effective communication
  • Guide on set boundaries and clear instructions
  • Raise students’ motivation on activities engagement
  • Develop coping skills to deal with challenging students
  • Relaxation techniques for self-regulation to prevent burnouts
  • Trauma healing and recovery for trainer’s trauma experiences
  • Develop trainer self-care maintenance plan


  • Prioritise self-care and well-beings
  • Strengthen relationships: effective communication
  • Support students effectively outside school
  • Raise students’ academic motivation
  • Develop coping skills to deal with challenging students
  • Relaxation techniques for self-regulation to prevent burnouts
  • Trauma healing and recovery for tutor’s trauma experiences
  • Develop tutor self-care maintenance plan

I'm OK Child,
You're OK Parent
