Children & Youth Counselling
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Counselling Services for
Children and Youth in Singapore

HiDolphin offers Expert Counselling Services for Children & Youth in Singapore.
Online counselling sessions are available for individuals aged 18 and above.

Anger Management

How can we help Your Child manage Anger and Impulsive Behavior?


How can we help Your Child’s Trauma / PTSD healing and recovery?


How can we help Your Child manage Technology Addiction: Gaming / Video Watching / Social Media / Internet?

Grief & Loss

How can we help Your Child manage Grief and Loss of Family members / Parents Separation / Pets / Friends / Teachers ?


How can we help Your Child manage General Anxiety / Exam Anxiety / Panic / Separation Anxiety / OCD / Social Anxiety / Specific Phobias / Selective Mutism?


How can we help Your Child manage Depression / Adjustment Issue?


How can we help Your Child manage Inattentive, Hyperactivity and Impulsive Behavior?

Social Skills

How can we help Your Child manage Social Communication, Interaction and Peer Relationship?

Anger Management

  • Identify underlying causes of anger, triggers and stressor
  • Identify anger emotion, behavioral and body physical sensations
  • Relaxation techniques for anger self-regulation and impulse control
  • Develop skills in anger emotion awareness and self-monitoring
  • Enhance mood activity
  • Develop problem-solving, conflict-management and communication skills
  • Raise safety awareness
  • Develop a personalized relapse prevention plan for anger management


  • Does not require to tell trauma story
  • Reframe the cognitive aspects of an experience
  • Conduct future rehearsal and self-appreciation
  • Process traumatic memories and emotions in a safe manner
  • Regulate the nervous system and reduce symptoms of hyperarousal or dissociation.
  • Relaxation techniques for self-regulation
  • Develop personalized coping strategies and self-care plan for trauma counselling to PTSD therapy


  • Identify specific behaviors, triggers, and stress events related to craving
  • Better control amount or frequency of technology device usage
  • Reduce cravings by modulating emotional responses
  • Relaxation techniques for self-regulation and impulse control
  • Addiction management skills and progressive maintenance
  • Develop personalized relapse prevention plan

Grief & Loss

  • Safe treatment in regulating Nervous System
  • Relaxation techniques for self-regulation
  • Cultivate self-compassion
  • Develop coping skills for adjustment challenges
  • Guide on transition to a new life style
  • Grief and Loss management skills towards the stage of acceptance
  • Develop Grief and Loss maintenance plan


  • Identify the underlying issues and triggers
  • Reframe irrational thoughts and beliefs
  • Develop coping skills
  • Regulate the nervous system to reduce rumination
  • Relaxation techniques for self-regulation
  • Anxiety management skills: time management, problem-solving skills, and assertive communications
  • Develop a personalized relapse prevention plan


  • Identify the underlying issues and contributing factors
  • Develop coping skills and adaptive ways of thinking and behaving
  • Identify and navigate relationship conflicts
  • Relaxation techniques for self-regulation and cultivate self-compassion
  • Depression management skills: time management, decision-making, problem- solving skills, and assertive communication
  • Develop a personalized relapse prevention plan


  • Identify emotional and behavioral challenges
  • Develop coping skills
  • Reduce disruptive behaviors and increase task persistence
  • Relaxation techniques for self-regulation and raise attention focus
  • ADHD management skills to minimize the impact on academic performance Develop personalized maintenance plan
  ***NOTES: We do not conduct ADHD diagnosis, we provide counselling support for those diagnosed with ADHD

Social Skills

  • Develop specific social skills and strengths
  • Understand social boundaries and rules
  • Develop and improve interpersonal communication, relationship-building, and social interaction abilities
  • Learn and practice new behaviors, social skills in real-life situations
  • Improve and build confidence
  • Develop a personalized social plan

Why Choose HiDolphin for Counselling Services for Children and Youth in Singapore?

HiDolphin is aware of the particular difficulties that children and teenagers face in today’s hectic world. Our committed group of counsellors focuses on offering young adults and children specialized, kind, and efficient counselling services. We understand that counselling services for children are important because they give them a safe place to talk about their feelings and teach them healthy ways to deal with problems from a young age. This builds a foundation for their emotional health that will last a lifetime while youth counselling services assist teenagers in overcoming barriers and realizing their full potential by helping them negotiate the challenges of adolescence, develop resilience, and establish vital life skills. Choose HiDolphin for counselling services for children and adolescents, as well as youth counselling services, for the following reasons:

1. Experienced Therapists: HiDolphin has highly professional and experienced therapists who help children and youth get rid of mental health problems.

2. Child-Centered Approach: We know that each child is different, and our counsellors have the expertise to treat every child and youth according to their present situation so that children can easily talk with therapists about their problems.

3. Complete treatment: At HiDolphin, we give support to children and youth to cope with different mental health problems like depression, anxiety, ADHD, social skills, trauma, and grief loss. Our therapists provide therapies like CBT, MEMI, sand art & music therapy to treat them effectively.

4. A safe and encouraging atmosphere: At HiDolphin, we put a lot of effort into making sure that children and teenagers feel safe and supported so they can speak their minds freely. When you need someone to talk to or someone to listen to, you can rely on our counsellors to be sympathetic and nonjudgmental.

HiDolphin provides compassionate, effective therapy services that focus on your child’s mental health and well-being. With our online counselling services for children and youth, one can easily get support from therapists in their comfort place. Book an Appointment Here.

Counselling services for children and youth in singapore

I'm OK Child,
You're OK Parent
